But I can't make that happen by myself. Since were so loved there is no doubt they would be a best seller. These cookies were highly addictive! We used to get them a lot and they were great. Sign up for our email, delivered twice a week. Join the facebook group "Bring Back Ideal Cookie Bars" http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_90612602794 Maybe we can all get a "movement" together or at least find the original recipe LONG LIVE IDEAL!!!! Please Nabisco bring them back . The name, they thought, would be reminiscent of the sunlight that glimmered through its factories, in addition to speaking to a basic purity of product. 1981 Nabisco merges with Standard Brands. THE LITTLE DEBBIE ONES ARENT THAT BAD AT ALL BUT THEY ARE NOT IDEAL.THE ORIGINAL..SO CMON GANG EVERYONE GO TO NABISCO AND WRITE THEM A LETTER,TELL THEM ALL THE PEOPLE ON THIS SITE AND MAYBE THEY WILL MAKE THEM AGAIN , My favorite cookie above all was Ideal. google_ad_client = "pub-1475700848612418"; The best cookie ever - my Ohio farm raised husband never tasted one. What surprises me is they still make the Pinwheel which was the same line..even the same color package..kind of their higher end type cookie. The boycott was prompted by the Mondelez company's decision to close its American factories and move production to Mexico. But the shift wasnt enough; in 2001, Kelloggs had bought the Keebler brand, putting Hydrox under yet another corporate owner, and by 2003, it had stopped selling Hydrox altogethersans a brief reprieve in 2008 after enough consumers complained that it briefly changed its mind. Nabisco is sure missing out here.they could make millions. I still think about them. PLEASE make them for us. I also searched for them in the past. Maybe if everyone emails Nabisco, they'll bring our favorite cookie back. Please show me where to sign up. They were the best ever! At family gatherings we still all long for these fabulous cookies. http://nabiscoworld.custhelp.com/app/contact. Feast or famine was my and three other siblings lives due to my fathers dreams and my mom chose to buy Ideal cookies with the last few dollars left one week because we loved them that much! Devour is the word that someone used on this thread, and I have to say, I totally understand where you are coming from. I had no idea when I typed the name ideal peanut butter bars into google how many like minded souls there would be!! "Once Upon A Time" I was told that Nabisco discontinued production of these cookies because of the heat factor in shipping (chocolate melting, etc.) Ellia Kassoff, a Jewish kid who grew up on the kosher cookies, had gained some knowledge on how to gain access to a trademark that was sitting unused, and as a result, he was able to pick up Hydrox for his own company, Leaf Brandsitself a dormant brand that Kassoff had revived. Had to google it and found this thread. http://www.mondelezinternational.com/ ( MondelezInternationaldotcom)has bought out the snack division of Nabisco. Little Debbie makes something similar, but we need the real ideal back!! Years later my husband and I used to joke about it being a "single serving package" because for us it was. They've become extinct. Intended to imply hydrogen and oxygenthe two chemicals that make up waterthe result has a more clinical, less roll-off-the-tongue convention to it, and instead evokes hydrogen peroxide, a chemical you probably dont want to drink. //-->, Loading images, if this message doesn't go away you may need to enable javascript in order to see pictures. I found something that reminds me of the Ideal Peanut Butter Bars. Roll into small balls and place on ungreased or parchment lined cookie sheets. I do all the shopping! ASAP! The rest, as they say, is history. I kind of make a substitute with Ritz crackers, peanut butter and melted chocolate chips. If anybody ever hears of a petition please email me. Not only are the cookies kosher these days, but theyre made with real sugar and without GMOs. I am glad to see I am not the only Ideal obsessed kook out there. Family-run for more than a century, this pizzeria makes a unique mustard pie. Sometimes Mom hid them - they lasted about a day, cost a little more than most other cookies and were worth every dime. Very rich & creamy: You needed a tall glass of ice cold milk to offset the decadence of this confection. The real chocolate coating made them a seasonal cookie. in the 70s, Food of the Seventies, Ideal Cookies Our family loved these cookies..I still look for them when I shop.I hope Nabisco brings them back. Nothing taste as good as the ideal cookie. An eye-opening journey through the history, culture, and places of the culinary world. Nabisco, please bring them back!!! What could be better. I used to demolish a whole strip of them at once. I grew up on them and have many memories of hiding them from my sister. read petition letter Dear Nabisco, These were the BEST cookies EVER!! Bring them back. I still have the scar and it reminds me of these wonderful cookies everyday. . I had often wondered what happened to Ideal Bars. I was surprised to find out how many other people loved those cookies as much as I did. My people! We kept ours in the fridge in the summer so the chocolate wouldn't melt off!!! Another brand recently introduced a snack that looks just like Ideal Cookies but not even close to the original taste. Bring 'em back Nabisco it's time!!! My all time favorite cookie! Thanks to all for the enhancing my belief that the Ideal Chocolate Peanut Butter bar is the best store bought cookie ever made!! O. O U. U U U UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. When I was in my 20s and did not have to worry about weight or health, I would consume and ENTIRE box all by myself during an evening with glasses of milk. I too grew up with the wonder that was Ideals cookies and I miss them terribly. Still, it was Oreo that, as it approached its 75th anniversary in 1986, inspired The New York Times to write at length about the cookies cultural value. Yes, that has been over 30 yrs ago. These Discontinued Snacks Will Make You Nostalgic - Business Insider They were FAR BETTER than ANY peanut cookie and/or candy bar available today, INCLUDING the Nutter Butter cookies you make today. They might look up that stats every year and laugh but did they stop to think there is a new generation of peanut butter cookie lovers out there. Nothing made today compares! Ritz Crackers are a great anytime snack, the perfect complement for quick meals, and a versatile base for tasty party appetizers. Please Nabisco bring back these cookies. I believe Nabisco stopped manufacturing Ideal Bars because the chocolate the recipe called for was too costly to make. So i made the recipe as per instructions, with only one change: swapping in a cup of rice flour for the cup of potato flour. Little Debbie just doesn't get it done. Even now, so many years later,I have never found another cookie that I have enjoyed more. There are a few FAKE ones on the market but nothing like the real IDEAL cookies. For Nostalgia they really should reproduce some of these old snacks. Very upset when it was discontinued. I can pass up any other store bought cookie but not these. ;o(. Never in the summer. Why is Oreo banned in USA? The best ever cookie. I am willing to attempt another contact with nabisco whatever will work. (Making matters worse: 1998 was the first year that Oreo itself went kosher for the first time.). Oh man, Words Cant Describe how much I loved Ideal Bars.Its great so see how many people besides myself are obsessed with those little crunchy pieces of heaven. It's just barely enough for the 2 pie crusts I needed to make this morning, where it used to be plenty with leftovers. Nabisco, please bring them back!!! Why would they ever discontinue making such a fabulous cookie that became so loved by so many people? He figured out that, since Kelloggs admitted it wasnt interested in doing anything with the cookie brand, he legally would be able to cancel the trademark and re-use it. I loved them, too! Come on you guys bring them back. I agree with everybody on this page. I did NOT have to share them. google_ad_channel = "9301152533"; My brother and I could eat a whole package of them in one sitting back when we were kids (ahhh, the good old days of a speedier metabolism!). They're EVEN BETTER than OREO cookies. 2. Like most American brands. We put the lil debbie's the freezer (as close as you can get, but not the same) and everytime the grand kids here me say not like an Ideal!! I know it sounds crazy but all of these comments made me feel better. It's a shame they don't listen to the loyal consumers (as this blog demonstrates)and make that investment into bringing back such a popular item. I just wrote this letter to Nabisco: There is an army of us who would love to see you bring back your Ideal cookie bars that you discontinued perhaps some 30 years ago. they really left an impression on me. After 30 years of no Ideal ccokies they musthave been to good for us m ere mortals. DON'T cheapen the ingredient deck! The makers of Oreo took the design of a cookie called "Hydrox," and despite it's less-than-appeasing name, it was truly the first chocolate sandwich cookie with creme in the middle. Nabisco PLEASE bring them back!!! Get them home intact, if possible, refrigerate or freeze, get a glass of ice cold milk, or fresh brewed tea, and eat, a little touch of Heaven! I miss them too. Oh these were my favorite cookies. Nabisco if you arent going to bring back the Ideal Cookie, then sell the Cookie recipe and rights to some company that will. [ CNP00612 ] 100 Calorie Cheese Nips Crackers, 6 / Box; [ FVS00609 ] Ritz 100 Calorie Snack Mix, 6 / box; [ FVS00612 ] 100 Calorie Cheese Nips Crackers, 6 / Box. There is a Facebook page called Bring Back The Ideal Bar! I frequently speak of these cookies and how incredible they were. I recall that from late 60's to late 70's my mom would buy the cheap "kiddie" cookies for us, and Ideal Peanut Butter Bars for herself, which she would keep in the fridge. When I revisted Cali they didn't have any as well. Yes!!! I love the peanut butter filled pretzels at Trader Joe's, so I may just have to try it. She used to hide them so us kids wouldn't eat them all. I was so bummed when they discontinued them. and spent my little savings on another package. my mother and I would share IDEAL cookies and talk. Consider supporting our work by becoming a member for as little as $5 a month. Well being a creative kid I scrounged all the coke bottles and pennies in the house that I could find and returned them with a wagon and got more cookies. After a few seconds the insides would be all smooshy. I was sitting in bed and the name just came back to me so I Googled "Ideal"! I might even vote for Newt Gingrich if he promised to bring our declicious little ideal bars backwell, I'm not sure if I'd do that, but I would consider it. Maybe we could petition to get them backwho is with me, OMG! There are some cookies called Nutter Butter, if you melt some semi-sweet chocolate chips and dip these cookies in the chocolate, it comes fairly close to the Ideal cookie. I wish they would bring them back. Please we need to unite and get Nabisco to bring the Ideal bar cookie back. jjcardella@hotmail.com. Nabisco Giggles cookies were introduced in the 1980s, and they were only sold for about a decade. I just gotten a surprise,,i was having problem getting pregnant ever since 3years ago that i got married,but today am very happy that am now pregnant and very soon i will be a Mother.. And please don't pretend that apple cinnamon spice Newton is the . Easily the best chocolate-covered cookie ever. I would love to be able to let my children and grandchildren experience such a Treat! My husband and I lived in the mountains befor they had cable, so we would listen to the stereo and have Ideal cookies and Milk two or three times a week! Nothing compares to the original Ideal Cookie Bars. I loved them so much that I actually got them as a gift on my birthday. Youd be surprised how many companies are hoarding trademarks, Kassoff told The Consumerist in 2014. They were definitely the BEST cookies ever! I have longed for the Ideal cookie since I got married! They were the best ever, especially cold. Someone needs to start a facebook group. Giggles were shortbread cookies filled with fudge and vanilla cream, like an Oreo. I know they discontinued them years ago but I rfuse to give up hope. Get the word out and maybe, just maybe we'll see the BEST cookie resurrected. You have to keep them refrigerated because the chocolate will melt. Such a wonderful cookie, I sure wish they would bring them back!! Then I just took one, so he could not be sure if his count was off one. Im sitting here telling my son about my favorite cookie of all time, Ideal peanut butter chocolate bars, they remind me of my child hood, I was so sad and disappointed when they stop selling them, I remember asking my mom to look for them if she ever went out of town, but we never found them anywhere . I have never tried them. As a matter of fact,they were terrible. That was where all the sweets were kept. I believe the cooky you're thinking of was a Hey Day or something like that. She had the idea of looking for them online. I've contacted Nabisco. NOTHING COMPARES, not even close.Ideal Bars were easily the greatest cookie ever mass produced,SORRY OREO, but its true. I often times tell my family about this cookie. I'd bite a little hole into each end, then suck milk up into it like it was a straw. They would be a big hit! Chill dough for about an hour. These Cookies RoCkEd! My wife and I were just talking about the magical flavor that these cookies had. They used to not be in the stores during the summer months but come fall they would be back on the shelves in Texas and I LOVED them! OMG !!! The critical part was having enough peanut butter vs. the cookie and coconut part. In an even more fundamental fashion, however, the Oreos form leaps across stylistic boundaries.. We're all demanding the cookie - where is the supply? I'm emailing them as we speak. And they completely disintegrate in your hand when you take a bite! Found these comments so wanted to put my two-cents in on this. I called Nabsico years ago to ask them to bring them back but no luck. Good ta know WE ARE NOT ALONE! Great to see all the Love. I was hoping to put the Ideal Bar in my search engine and find them on line somewhere. Snack Catastrophe: Ginger Snaps Move South of the - Dan's Papers Bring 'em back Nabisco!!!!!! But no kidding -Nothing can substitute for Ideals. It sounds like lots of other people would too! i loved the ideal bars myself, little debbie has somthing simalar the peanut butter bar which is a close fascimile there of. OMG!My aunt worked for Nabisco for years and brought us samples,damaged,etc.I would kill for Ideal cookies in the orange box :)God Bless Katherine. HAHAHA! So I walked 5 huge blocks in Altadena CA. What I can't understand is why Nabisco a consumer company won't even comment. As a kid in the 60's, nothing was better than some Ideal Peanut Butter Logs and a glass of really cold milk. I also feel the same way about the old Hershey 'Bar None' candy bar, which only lasted a short timeduring the 1990's. Pretty rich. Best sweets I ever ate!!! LETS ALSO SAY WE DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHAT THEY COST. I concur with every favorable sentiment expressed about these cookies and if someone from Nabisco were to read all of these comments and if a lightbulb were to go on upstairs, they might see the dollar signs written on the wall. google_color_url = "1F2B9E"; I would love to get my hands on them again. They truly were the best cookies ever. Nabisco has been making Teddy Grahams since 1988, according to The Retro Network.Almost immediately after debuting, the sweet treats became staples in kids' lunch boxes and a favorite after-school snack. Please, Nabiscobring them back. The Untold Truth Of Nilla Wafers - Mashed.com I can still taste them and remember the orange and clear cellophane package. "Little Debbie" calls them "Peanut Butter Crunch Bars". Please, Please start making the Peanut Butter with Dark Chocolate cookies, these are the best cookies, there is no other and will never be any other cookies out there that is as wonderful as these cookies. I have tried to find something similar, but no way can anything else compare. More like this. They are as close to the Ideal cookie that I have ever found. Discontinuing them to develop a more profitable product may have made some punk executive a bonus but in doing so the Nabisco brand was greatly diminished. I called it and REALLY let a customer service rep know what they need to do. Only it turned out, four years later, to also be a game-changer for Nabiscos Oreo. petition: Nabisco Chocolate Snaps Cookies Finally I returned home with the Ideal cookies after eating my final bite so that the perfect amout was found by my Mom. Please bring this cookie back so my children can enjoy them too!!! I'm looking for a cookie that my dad and I used to eat when i was little I belive they were Heydays or maydays similar to a 1000 Grand bar with wafer cookie and carmel and rice krispies does anyone remember??????? I keep telling my grandkids about them and they can't believe me or wontPLEASE BRING THESE WONDERFUL TREATS BACK !! What I wouldn't do to just have one more!! Someone else posted a comment mentioning how they thought that they must not be going crazy, they really did exist. Please Nabisco give us an answer!!!! I was thinking about these cookies today and found all your comments. I would sign a petition to bring them back in a minute. I used to scour grocery store shelves for packages and buy them out. Nabisco workers had said their first strike in 52 years is about keeping what they already had as employees producing Oreo cookies, Ritz crackers and other snacks for Nabisco parent Mondelez . What happened to capitalism? My sister, my best friend (who passed away at the age of 39)introduced the Ideal cookie to me. My husband and I started to think maybe we had dreamed about Ideal Cookies. Do we have to wait until the Kraft foods no longer has the patten on the cookies. - Bring them back, you knuckle-heads! Submit a link to more information about Ideal Cookies. I had forgotten about these!! It was a special treat when we were growing up, and, between me, my 5 siblings, and my mom, they didn't last an hour.
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