Back to Top Enforcement Highlights and Numbers at a Glance Current Enforcement Highlights Enforcement Highlights Archived by Month The case was ultimately unsuccessful; the court ruled in favor of the nurse. To avoid these, a proactive approach should include a regular risk assessment and corrective action plan. the practice settled the case with OCR for $80,000. Among the corrective actions required to resolve this case, OCR required the insurer to correct the flaw in its computer system, review all transactions for a six month period and correct all corrupted patient information. Toll Free Call Center: 1-800-368-1019 in Chicago, Illinois, was investigated in response to a complaint from a patient who had only been provided with a partial copy of her requested medical records. OCR investigated and discovered similar privacy violations had occurred responding to patient reviews. The Center did not, however, provide the complainant with the opportunity to have the denial reviewed, as required by the Privacy Rule. Inappropriate Social Media Posts by Nursing Home Workers, Detailed On September 29, 2011, a portable USB storage device (pen drive) was left overnight in the IT Department from where it was stolen. Paige. Covered Entity: Outpatient Facility Fresenius Medical Care North America settled the case for $3,500,000. Read More, Life Hope Labs, LLC, in Sandy Springs, Georgia, failed to provide an individual with the medical records of her deceased father in a timely manner. Among other corrective actions to resolve the specific issues in the case, OCR required the health insurer to train its staff on the applicable policies and procedures and to mitigate the harm to the individual. CHCS failed to perform a comprehensive risk analysis since September 23, 2013. Read more, The dental practice with offices in Charlotte and Monroe, NC, impermissibly disclosed a patients PHI on a webpage in response to a negative online review. An Accusation is a legal document formally charging a registered nurse with a violation (s) of the Nursing Practice Act, and notifying the public that a disciplinary action is pending against that nurse. Unprotected storage of private health information can be an issue. Documentation was uncovered that clearly showed that mobile devices were believed to represent a critical security risk, yet action was not taken to address this issue in time to prevent the data breach. Issue: Access, Authorization. To resolve this matter to the satisfaction of OCR, the hospital: retrained an entire Department with regard to the requirements of the Privacy Rule; provided additional specific training to staff members whose job duties included leaving messages for patients; and, revised the Departments patient privacy policy to clarify patient rights to accommodation of reasonable requests to receive communications of PHI by alternative means or at alternative locations. Since HIPAA's enactment in 1996, we've witnessed almost 20 reported cases of unauthorized personnel looking up the medical records of celebrities. Among other corrective action taken, the Center provided the complainant with a copy of her medical record and revised its policies and procedures to ensure that it provides timely access to all individuals. Nurses who deliberately obtain or disclose individually identifiable protected health information can face a fine of up to $50,000 and a maximum of 12 months in jail. The Top 8 Most Common HIPAA Violations Made by Nurses What is a HIPAA violation? 26 HIPAA violation examples - Alleva The records were provided on September 14, 2020. HMORevises Process to Obtain Valid Authorizations The new authorization specifies what records and/or portions of the files will be disclosed and the respective authorization will be kept in the patients record, together with the disclosed information. Covered Entity: General Hospital The containers had labels that included the PHI of patients. OCR discovered risk analysis failures, a lack of policies covering electronic devices, a lack of encryption or alternative safeguards, insufficient security policies, and insufficient physical safeguards, resulting in an impermissible disclosure of 521 individuals PHI. The investigation also indicated that the disclosures did not meet the Rules de-identification standard and therefore were not permissible without the individuals authorization. The first bar in the group of three per year represents the complaints closed in which there was no violation, the second in which there was corrective action, and the third reflects the total closures. The case was settled for $62,500. The chain acknowledged that log books contained protected health information and implemented the required changes. jQuery( document ).ready(function($) { The practice trained all staff on the newly developed policies and procedures. In addition, OCR required the practice to reposition its computer monitors to prevent patients from viewing information on the screens, and the practice installed computer monitor privacy screens to prevent impermissible disclosures. However, as violations of HIPAA are so severe, then CEs will choose to terminate the . Patient Sues Clinician for Privacy Violation After Practice Responds to Read More, OCR launched an investigation into the Carroll County, GA ambulance company, West Georgia Ambulance, after being notified about the loss of an unencrypted laptop computer that contained the PHI of 500 patients. Issue: Impermissible Uses and Disclosures. HIPAA Journal states that if a nurse violates HIPAA, it is important that the incident is reported to the person responsible for HIPAA compliance in your facility or your supervisor. Physician Revises Faxing Procedures to Safeguard PHI When dealing with these complex issues, you need legal representation that has a long track record of success in these types of cases. In some states, the amount of punitive damages awarded could far outweigh the maximum $1.5 million fine (per violation) that can be imposed by OCR. In 2012 it suffered a security breach that exposed the data of 2,700 individuals as a result of a malware infection. The case was settled for $65,000. Private Practice Revises Access Procedure to Provide Access Despite an Outstanding Balance A chain pharmacy disclosed protected health information to municipal law enforcement officials in a manner that did not conform to the provisions of the Privacy Rule. Read more, Denver Retina Center, a Denver, CO-based provider of ophthalmological services, failed to provide a patient with timely access to the requested medical records. > HIPAA Compliance and Enforcement Contrary to the Privacy Rule protections for information sought for administrative or judicial proceedings, the hospital failed to determine that reasonable efforts had been made to insure that the individual whose PHI was being sought received notice of the request and/or failed to receive satisfactory assurance that the party seeking the information made reasonable efforts to secure a qualified protective order. Reports can be filed either through internal channels or electronically through the Department of Health and Human Services. Read More, Elite Primary Care is a provider of primary health services in Georgia. This case study involving one nursing education program's experience with a HIPAA violation illustrates how one nursing college dealt with a student's HIPAA . To resolve the issues in this case, the hospital developed and implemented several new procedures. At the direction of an insurance company that had requested an independent medical exam of an individual, a private medical practice denied the individual a copy of the medical records. Texas Nurse Fired for Social Media HIPAA Violation - HIPAA Journal In order to resolve this matter to OCRs satisfaction and to prevent a recurrence, the covered entity: terminated the nurse practitioners access to its electronic records system; reported the nurse practitioners conduct to the appropriate licensing authority; and, provided the nurse practitioner with remedial Privacy Rule training. What Should Happen If a Nurse Violates HIPAA? The case was settled for $36,000. OCR received a complaint from a patient who alleged he had been denied access to his medical records. The nurse explained that the two individuals whose . Among other corrective actions to resolve the specific issues in the case, a letter of reprimand was placed in the supervisor's personnel file and the supervisor received additional training about the Privacy Rule. A violation of HIPAA attributable to ignorance can attract a fine of $100 $50,000. The private practice maintained that the disclosure to the contract research organization was permissible as a review preparatory to research. Issue: Impermissible Uses and Disclosures; Authorizations. In response, the hospital instituted a number of actions to achieve compliance with the Privacy Rule. Another way to prevent HIPAA violations on social media is to get proper compliance training for your staff. The case was settled for $3,500. Issue: Impermissible Uses and Disclosures. Read More, Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences experienced a hacking incident that was reported to OCR in January 2018. Mental Health Center Provides Access and Revises Policies and Procedures U.S. Department of Health & Human Services The case was settled for $100,000. After OCR notified the entity of the allegation, the entity released the complainants medical records but also billed him $100.00 for a records review fee as well as an administrative fee. The medical center had also failed to enter into a BAA with a business associate. In nursing education, a HIPAA violation made by a nursing student could result in a variety of disciplinary actions including termination but is rarely discussed in nursing literature. Pharmacy Chain Enters into Business Associate Agreement with Law Firm A nurse working at a clinic in New York became one of many HIPAA violation examples when her sister-in-law's boyfriend was diagnosed with an STD (sexually transmitted disease). OCR's investigation confirmed that the use and disclosure of protected health information by the supervisor was not authorized by the employee and was not otherwise permitted by the Privacy Rule. OCR also discovered a business associate failure. The nonprofit teaching hospital has also agreed to adopt the OCRs corrective action plan to address HIPAA-compliance issues discovered by OCR investigators. The case was settled for $65,000. The Phoenix, Arizona-based non-profit health system, Banner Health, experienced a hacking incident that resulted in the impermissible disclosure of the PHI of 2.81 million individuals in 2016. Violating HIPAA law can result in fines, job termination, loss of licensure, and criminal charges. Read More, Coastal Ear, Nose, and Throat in Florida received a request from a patient for a copy of medical records on December 15, 2020, and again on January 8, 2021, but the records were not provided until May 20, 2021. For one violation, fines can range from $100-$50,000 for each instance of wrongdoing. Read More, After the permanent closure of the company, paperwork containing former patients PHI was discarded by FileFax. The device contained a range of patients ePHI, including full names, Social Security numbers, and dates of birth. A settlement of $150,000 has been reached with OCR. Read More, Danbury Psychiatric Consultants in Massachusetts received a request for medical records on March 24, 2020, but access to the records was refused due to an outstanding bill. What happens if a nurse violates HIPAA? - HIPAA Guide Hipaa Violation summary -Shaila - Shaila Mae Health care providers Social Media Posts Could Have Consequences for Your Career Among other corrective actions to resolve the specific issues in the case, OCR required the hospital to develop and implement a policy regarding disclosures related to serious threats to health and safety, and to train all members of the hospital staff on the new policy. Concentra has agreed to pay OCR $1,725,220 to resolve the case. Content created by Office for Civil Rights (OCR) Content last reviewed December 23, 2022. A case study involving one nursing education program's experience with a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) violation is used to illustrate how one nursing. Additionally, OCR required the covered entity to revise its Notice of Privacy Practices. While the Privacy Rule may permit the disclosure of an OR schedule containing PHI, in this case, a hospital employee shared the OR scheduled with the complainants supervisor, who was not part of the employee's treatment team, and did not need the information for payment, health care operations, or other permissible purposes. The Department of Health and Human Services' Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has revealed a $65,000 HIPAA violation settlement has been agreed with West Georgia Ambulance, Inc., to address multiple breaches of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Rules. OCR has increased its enforcement activities in recent years. The last update to the HIPAA violation penalty amounts applies to cases assessed on or after March 17, 2022, as detailed in the table below: *Table last updated in March 2022. The HIPAA Right of Access violation was settled with OCR for $30,000. CHCS also failed to implement appropriate security measures to address risks to ePHI in accordance with 45 C.F.R. And when data breaches like this occur, it's usually because of a HIPAA violation. Triple S was also required to pay a HIPAA violation penalty of $6.8 million to the Puerto Rico Health Insurance Administration for a failure to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Acts Privacy Rule last year, although the HIPAA violation fine was reduced to $1.5 million on appeal. 6) Keep Thoughts to Yourself. Read More, On May 9, 2014, Touchstone Medical Imaging was informed by the FBI that one of its FTP servers was accessible over the Internet and allowed anonymous connections to a shared directory. A patient alleged that a general hospital disclosed protected health information when a hospital staff person left a message on the patients home phone answering machine, thereby failing to accommodate the patients request that communications of PHI be made only through her mobile or work phones. Examples of HIPAA Violations and Common Scenarios But violations are also quite serious. Nurses may violate HIPAA if they use non-approved channels to transmit patient information. A settlement of $500,000 was agreed upon to resolve the alleged HIPAA violations. By increasing its enforcement activity, OCR is sending a message to all covered entities, large and small, that violations of HIPAA Rules will not be tolerated. However, the court also legitimized private cause for action in HIPAA lawsuits, which could set a precedent for HIPAA related legal action. Criminal HIPAA violations and penalties fall under three tiers: Tier 1: Deliberately obtaining and disclosing PHI without authorization up to one year in jail and a $50,000 fine Tier 2: Obtaining PHI under false pretenses up to five years in jail and a $100,000 fine Case Examples by Covered Entity. The hospital asserted that the disclosures were made to avert a serious threat to health or safety; however, OCRs investigation indicated that the disclosures did not meet the Privacy Rules standard for such actions. To resolve the matter, OCR required the pharmacy chain and the law firm to enter into a business associate agreement. Read More, OCR received a complaint from a patient of California-based Riverside Psychiatric Medical Group in March 2019 alleging he had not been provided with a copy of his medical records. OCR received a complaint from a patient alleging BILHBS had not provided a copy of her fathers medical records. The settlement resolves HIPAA violations that contributed to the university experiencing a malware infection in 2013. As HIPAA violations are so severe, and may result in huge fines for Covered Entities, if . This was the case in 2019, when a number of healthcare professionals accessed a particular actor's medical records after the actor was part of a potential hoax hate-crime, which became headline news. OCR provided technical assistance and closed the case, but the records were still not provided. The HIPAA Right of Access violation was settled with OCR for $5,000. Read More, The Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights has sent another warning to HIPAA-covered entities about the need to obtain signed, HIPAA-compliant business associate agreements with all vendors prior to disclosing any protected health information. A digital photocopier was returned to a leasing company, but the PHI stored on its hard drive had not been erased before the device was returned. Private Practice Provides Access to All Records, Regardless of Source Read More, The Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights has announced it has reached a settlement with North Memorial Health Care of Minnesota over alleged HIPAA violations from a 2011 data breach. The HIPAA Right of Access violation was settled with OCR for $32,150. An OCR investigation indicated that the form the HMO relied on to make the disclosure was not a valid authorization under the Privacy Rule. Issue: Impermissible Disclosure-Research. Hackers used a compromised username and password to gain access to a server that contained the protected health information (PHI) of 3.5 million individuals. HIPAA Violation Cases - Updated 2023 - HIPAA Journal Issue: Impermissible Use and Disclosure. In response to OCRs investigation, the mental health center acknowledged that it had not provided the complainant and his daughter with a notice prior to her mental health evaluation. Issue: Impermissible Uses and Disclosures. A staff member of a medical practice discussed HIV testing procedures with a patient in the waiting room, thereby disclosing PHI to several other individuals. Read More, Idaho State Universitys Pocatello Family Medicine Clinic disabled the firewall that was protecting a server containing the medical health records of 17,500 patients. The case was settled for $3 million. The settlement stems from an impermissible disclosure in a press release issued by MHHS in September 2015. The data breach investigation revealed a substandard security management process and a catalog of HIPAA Security Rule violations. > Case Examples OCR provided technical assistance to the physician, explaining that, in general, the Privacy Rule requires that a covered entity provide an individual access to their medical record within 30 days of a request, regardless of whether or not the individual has a balance due. Read More, For only the second time in its history, OCR has ordered a HIPAA-covered entity to pay civil monetary penalties for HIPAA violations. The minimum fines are $100 per violation for tier 1, $1,000 per violation for tier 2, $10,000 per violation for tier 3, and $50,000 per violation for tier 4. The case was settled for $15,000. Read More. The HIPAA Right of Access violation was settled with OR for $75,000. OCR investigated and identified longstanding, systemic noncompliance with the HIPAA Security Rule, including risk analysis and risk management failures, and the failure to provide security awareness training to employees. OCR determined this fee to be unreasonable and that there had been a 15-month delay in providing the patient with the requested records. The device was not protected by a password and data on the device was not encrypted. What Happens if a Nurse Violates HIPAA? Updated for 2023 - HIPAA Journal 7 Tips to Avoid a HIPAA Violation As a Nurse - ULM Online An OCR investigation indicated that the form the HMO relied on to make the disclosure was not a valid authorization under the Privacy Rule. The case was contested, but an administrative law judge ruled in favor of OCR. The disclosure was not consistent with documents approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). 164.308(a)(1)(ii)(B). OCR confirmed that PHI had been disclosed without an authorization from the patient and that there had been no sanctions against the physician responsible, despite being warned in advance not to disclose any PHI. The HIPAA Right of Access violation was settled with OCR for $160,000. 2020-2021 HIPAA Violation Cases and Penalties - HIPAA Journal The PHI of 58,106 patients was improperly disposed of during that timeframe. Even though it is not done maliciously. In many cases, records were only provided after OCR intervened. The hospital disciplined and retrained the employee who made the impermissible disclosure. A good example of this is a laptop that is stolen. Covered Entity: General Hospital Read More, Catholic Health Care Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia has agreed to settle alleged HIPAA violations with the OCR and implement a Corrective Action Plan (CAP). Read More, Cancer Care Group, an Indiana-based radiation oncology private physician practice, has agreed to settle with the Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights for $750,000, for potential HIPAA violations relating to a 2012 data breach. Read More, A patient submitted a complaint to OCR about an impermissible disclosure of PHI in a mailing. To resolve this matter, the mental health center revised its intake assessment policy and procedures to specify that the notice will be provided and the clinician will attempt to obtain a signed acknowledgement of receipt of the notice prior to the intake assessment. Other than stipulating training should be provided as necessary and appropriate for members of the workforce to carry out their functions (HIPAA Privacy Rule) and that CEs and BAs should implement a security awareness and training program for all members of the workforce (HIPAA Security Rule), there are no specific HIPAA training requirements. Read More, Complete P.T., Pool & Land Physical Therapy, Inc., (CPT) has agreed to pay a fine of $25,000 to the Department of Health and Human Services after the company posted photographs and names of patients on the client testimonial section of its website without first having obtained HIPAA-compliant authorizations from the patients in question. Read More, Lawrence Bell, Jr. D.D.S in Maryland failed to provide a patient with timely access to the requested medical records. Read More, King MD is a small provider of psychiatric services in Virginia. Health Plan Corrects Impermissible Disclosure of PHI through Training, Mitigation, and Sanctions The pharmacy did not consider the customer's insurance card to be protected health information (PHI).
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