An agreement on a best practice national programme of mental health support for all local authorities and school staff. GMB really appreciates your incredible efforts and we wish you and your families a safe festive period. GMB urges Local Government employers to get back round the table and improve the pay offer NOW. Public service pensions increase: 2022. Mary Turner House 'Disappointing' pay offer for council employees announced | Local If you feel your workplace is not safe, or would like a GMB rep to support you in making your workplace safe please get in touch with your local GMB office by clicking the button below. Fair pay for social care workers - - Scottish Government Local Government Chronicle (LGC) News, comment and analysis on local government, plus jobs in the sector. An indicative industrial action ballot has started. This contrasts with the minimum 10% rise which the unions submitted in a joint pay claim for last year. 22 Stephenson Way London Now they are being told by Local Government employers all they deserve is a pay cut. "With 55% of local government workers earning below 25,000 per annum, low pay remains a significant issue and this year's settlement must not only protect workers from steep increases to. (Approximately 1 million workers plus are covered). The National Employers wish to make the following one-year offer: The employers also reject the element of your claim that seeks, a joint review of job descriptions, routes for career developments and pay banding for school support staff as these are matters entirely for local determination rather than by the NJC. A 1.75% pay rise for local government employees, backdated from 1 April 2021, was agreed at the end of last month, and at the time the Local Government Association encouraged employers to implement it as swiftly as possible. Council employees have been offered a pay increase of 1.50 per cent from 1 April 2021. A substantial pay increase with a minimum of 10% for all workers in local government and schools! Thank you to all GMB members who responded to recent surveys regarding your aspirations for pay this year. The pandemic has shown us how much the country needs our hard-pressed, public service heroes and how much GMB members care, so passionately, about what they do. The dispute between unions and councils comes as National Insurance payments are set to rise from next April, with the UK. Low-paid public sector workers to get 250 pay rise - BBC News Local Government Pay 2021 Over 100,000 plus GMB members across Local Authorities, Councils, Schools and Academies in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland were included, so it going to take some time to collate all the results and determine next steps. 2 Marsham Street The claim was for a 10% pay increase for local government workers. Public sector pay rise pledge expected to 'set tone' of future pay Best wishes, NJC: Council and school pay 2023 | Campaigns | UNISON National GMB is campaigning for pay to be properly funded. . Please ensure your details are up to date as only GMB members will geta vote in our ballot. GMB continues to press the Local Government employers to get back round the table and improve the pay offer. Large minimum wage increase to boost low-paid workers' incomes GMBs National Committees agreed that our claim should include: an increase of no lessthanRPI; a Covid recognition payment, review of term time only contracts and consideration of retainers; a reduction in the working week (without loss of pay) to 35 hours (34 hours in London); a review of mileage rates. NW1 2HD. An. Public Sector Pay Policy For 2022-23 Background The 2022-23 Public Sector Pay Policy sets out the parameters for pay increases for staff pay remits and senior appointments and applies to public bodies with settlement dates in the year between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023 (inclusive). Therefore, to meet the pay element of the claim in full (12.7 per cent) would increase local government's national paybill by more than 2.1bn. Now rising prices have left council and school staff wages well and truly behind. Click here to email your councillors. Local Government Pay Claim 2021/22 - Full & Final Position - SLCC NJC for Local Government Services If you require more information about this, please contact your local rep of GMB branch. Further to recent updates, we wanted to keep you informed as to developments in the 2021 pay offer. The vital contribution of our members comes on the back of 10 years of austerity during which the value of many employees pay has dropped by 20% in real terms. Millions of British public sector workers to be offered 5% pay rise 100+ respondents would be interested in becoming a GMB Rep in the workplace. Become a workplace organiser - step up to be your work colleagues voice in your workplace! In GMB only members have their say on pay so we thank you for taking part in this important consultative ballot. GMB CoronavirusHub resources can be found at here. Please ensure your details are up to date as only GMB members will get a vote in our ballot. And the response was to accept the pay offer. 2022/23 Local Government & Schools Pay offer is for one year and it is as follows: The employers have already agreed to complete the work of the joint term-time only review group and have begun discussions on homeworking policies but are not prepared to discuss a homeworking allowance. The Consumer Prices Index rate of inflation is currently 3.2%. Meanwhile, some councils in London and the East of England are bracing themselves for strike action for a week this month by workers represented by Unite, which told LGC the names of the places where strikes would take place had not yet been finalised. 2021: One-year pay freeze, excluding NHS staff and workers earning below 24,000 In an announcement on Monday, the Treasury said the chancellor would use his forthcoming Budget to say "the. You will be aware that the employers made a pay offer of 1.5% for 2021. The real problem is the impact of the rise in the long term. Now that many protections have been removed, we know that our members once again will be on the frontline, providing vital services to the public whilst putting themselves at risk. The total public sector pay bill was around 235 billion in the 2021/22 financial year - with central government pay (which includes UK government departments, parliament, most public bodies and the devolved administrations) costing about 165 billion and local government about 70 billion. Support staff: pay | NEU A School? Unite council staff 'support industrial action', after voting FAO: Local Government, Council and School workers across England, Wales, & Northern Ireland. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU VOTE GMB IS CAMPAIGNING FOR A HUGE TURNOUT TO DEMONSTRATE TO YOUR EMPLOYERS WE WONT ACCEPT FURTHER PAY CUTS. Unisons ballot result for Northern Ireland is not due until Thursday 10th February. Thank you to the tens of thousands of GMB members that took part in the Have Your Say On Your Pay Local Government and Schools Consultative ballot across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. GMB will ask all members in scope of NJC pay to make sure they have their say on pay. Separate guidance applies to councils in Wales and Northern Ireland. The National Employers share councils frustration that the unions actions mean that, six months after the full and final offer was made, employees are unlikely to receive the monies due to them before the increase to national insurance contributions comes into effect in April, she said. Trade Union Side Secretaries Unions call for inflation-busting pay rise for local government and Help build the union in your workplace: You can find resources to help you at the. In addition, your National Local Government and Schools Committees will meet in the New Year to discuss what steps we take in this pay campaign. 2021 Government, Councils & Schools Pay offer is as follows: The employers have also agreed to joint discussions on the following: GMB expressed dismay at the opening offer of 1.5% tabled by your employers earlier this year. Sadly, although GMB were willing to ensure that you received the money as soon as possible, this view has not been supported by the other unions. It is applicable to rates of pay from 1 April 2021 onwards and the LGA has encouraged employers "to implement this pay award as swiftly as possible." Unison's head of local government Mike Short said the focus would now be on achieving a more substantial pay rise for 2022-23. Public sector workers and the people of our country deserve better. Terms and conditions I welcome the recommendations relating to teachers' terms and conditions. Join today Employers are encouraged to implement this pay award as swiftly as possible. Payscales for 2020/21 | NICVA Please stand with our members. We have been notified that the pay award from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 of a 1.75% increase has been agreed by the GMB and UNISON. Scottish authorities are to receive an extra 100m funding in a last-minute addition to Holyrood's Budget. Thank you very much for your letter of 18 October regarding the letter sent by the National Employers for Local Government Services. About 5.7 million people are employed in the public sector in the UK. In the last GMB update we advised you that we have approached Local Government employers across England, Wales and Northern Ireland setting out our disappointment on the pay offer. 20 January 2022. GMB Union operates nationally and also locally through 7 regional offices. All Local Government Noticeboard | GMB In GMB, all members have their say on pay. You will recall that in February the unions lodged their pay claim for: During March, councils in each of the nine English regions, plus Wales and Northern Ireland, were consulted at virtual regional pay briefings. To promote our Local Government Survey, we've produced these posters for your local workplacenoticeboards: This has been a difficult year for workers across local government. Public sector pay policy 2021 to 2022 (revised) - Scottish Government The real problem is the impact of the rise in the long term. Local government services pay agreement 2021-2022 Employers' Secretary Naomi Cooke Address for correspondence Local Government Association 18 Smith Square London SW1P 3HZ Tel: 020 7664. If the majority of GMB members vote YES, a formal ballot for industrial action will take place. Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, local government and council workers have kept the country going, working above and beyond the call of duty, putting themselves and their families at risk to support the effort against Covid-19. The Government is continuing to support businesses with their energy costs through its generous package of support. Here's how you know. GMB members working across councils, local authorities and local government recently voted to reject the pay cuts being proposed by local government employers. Naomi Cooke, Employers Secretary, wrote to council chief executives last month warning of the unhelpful delay in finalising the 2021 pay round due to the unions protracted timetables for consultations and ballots. "Local Government Employers refused to jointly make representation with the unions to the Chancellor on pay, which is frankly disgraceful. Thanks to reps and members who voted, joined us for online meetings, and got the vote out in their workplace! At Spending Review 2021, the Government set out that councils in England will receive. Ms Cooke spoke of the continuing challenge that we face in ensuring that the [National Joint Council] pay spine is able to absorb the impact of significant annual increases to the national living wage. Date: 15/07/2021 I wish to put on record again my gratitude to public sector workers in Scotland for their response to the pandemic and . Not had a vote contact, The indicative ballot closes at 12 noon on Monday 13TH December 2021, and the result will be posted on the GMB website as soon as possible thereafter, along with notification to all members. As a result of this, we will inform the employer that our members have once again overwhelmingly rejected the offer and have mandated us to seek further talks for a new and significantly improved deal. Unite's local government members will stage targeted industrial action at councils in England, Wales and Northern Ireland in March, after rejecting a 1.75 per cent pay offer in a ballot of more than 300 local authorities. A 250 consolidated pay increase on pay points 7 to 18 (inclusive) on the PSC pay spine with effect from 1 September 2021 (to be backdated) A 2.1 per cent consolidated increase on pay. This represents an increase of over 1,600 to the annual earnings of a full-time worker on the NLW and is expected to benefit over 2 million low paid workers. The Joint National Secretaries for GMB, Unison, and Unite, have written to the NJC Employer Side expressing dissapointment and reiterate requests for urgent further negotiation and talks on the issue of Local Government Pay. London NW1 2AY. However, the Government would expect councils to take into account wider public sector pay awards and overall affordability when negotiating the pay settlement. Now that the current pay round has been concluded,GMB will be consulting withmembers on your pay aspirations for 2022. Under the NJC constitution, if two unions accepted, the deal could have been signed off and paid before April to ensure you get all the money. Employers will now consider the pay claim ahead of pay negotiations starting. GMB Senior reps across Local Authorities, Schools and Academies will be meeting on Wednesday 3rd August 2022. Regional Directors14. 2022-23 NJC (Local Government, Councils, & Schools) pay offer: FAQs - GMB Lee Rowley MP GMB will meet with sister unions tomorrow and have arranged a GMB senior reps of the GMB Local Government and Schools Committees to discuss the final pay offer on Tuesday 10th August 2021. There are also concerns about how the 2022 pay claim, which unions are this week poised to begin consulting their members over, will be impacted by the rise in the national living wage which is expected to hit 10.70 by 2024. The three big unions - Unison, GMB and Unite - tabled their pay claim for last year on 15 February 2021, which was much later than in previous years, when claims were usually lodged before Christmas. 3.2% Federal Pay Raise Bill Appears in Senate - Government Executive But, for so many workers in the public sector, every day is a real struggle, and its getting worse. The unions tried hard to raise the level of last year's pay offer. There was also a separate conditions claim. Its not just GMB that is shouting about this. At last week's meeting, Cafcass board members said the organisation had offered a lower pay rise than local government . Our members in schools are perhaps the best example: while it was often said that schools were closed during the lockdowns it was school support staff who went into schools to provide education for vulnerable children and the children of key workers, while infection rates were extremely high and before there was any protection from a vaccine.
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