i am sixteen years old me and my boyfriend have been having unprotected sex for almost seven months he always pulls out. I am going to call my doctor at the end of the week.. By then I should be on my fiance's insurance.. Have an amazing day.. :) Thanks for all the help :), Well I've never posted on one of these before. I have a question about pregnancy testing. Is it possible to have dizziness a week after if you are pregnant? added to comment below my boobs r bigger, and tinder. My husbands family thinks I am but I don't think I am! I was going thru debilitating morning sickness and fatigue also. Notice your posture as well, and make sure that you avoid standing for long periods of time. HELP I'm soo confused!!!!! Medically reviewed by Michael Weber, MD. It's a fun watch, and you never knowsome of those old wives may be smarter than you thought! When taken properly, home pregnancy tests are 99% accurate. i have to pee after one cup of chai tea. Is your stomach hard or soft in early pregnancy? couse i am feeling some movement in my stomach ..the vomiting and i get tried and sleepy all the time .. On google I was asking questions about pregnancy because its a possibility I could be. Yay, pregnancy mysteries! Some symptoms to watch for before you miss your period are sore breasts, fatigue, sensitivity to smell, food aversions, nausea, and more frequent urination. The egg was successfully fertilized. i made a very stupid mistake and had unprotected sex with my ex on the 8th of september. guys is there a possiblity that my friend is pregnant because today she has her period but before that its dec 15 in the morning she vomitted three times and has a headache after that she get back to sleep and then later on around 12pm she woke up and she feel that she has her period already. Early pregnancy symptoms Most women don't feel anything until they've missed a period, but you may notice bloating, cramping, or spotting this week. If the test is negative and your period still doesnt come, try again. Some light spotting and/or cramping can occur 612 days after conception. You can do your best to prevent headaches by staying hydrated and keeping your blood sugar from getting too low. Many women feel very tired during pregnancy, especially during the first few months. Ive had sex with someone 8x in one night sounds crazy but its true , I was then late coming on I then experienced light spotting and some brown discharge this lasted 4 days , 1 week after having sex I did 2 tests one was negative and one showed an extremely faint Second line , I left it another week so by then it would have been 2 weeks That showed negative I went to my gp I told him everything and by this point my boobs where heavy they hurt I cant stop weeing im constipated I cant stand certain foods I usually eat im tired my belly is bigger than usual (I am curvy not exactly skinny) The doctor has told me to go by the fact Im pregnant but we dont know its now been 3 weeks today I took another test and its negative last night and this morning emotions came out of nowhere Ive had cramping last night and this morning just want to find out whats going on if Im pregnant then so be it if Im not I can try again just wanna know why I feel like this Im only 23 and never been pregnant before. I mean even when my arm rubs across them while moving around for everyday life it hurts. You might mistake this for your normal PMS symptoms. Make sure youre drinking eight glasses of water a day. My boyfriend says that im really emotional bcuz out of nowhere i start crying and then 5 sec. You will only notice this if you've been charting your basal body temperature in order to track ovulation (normal BBT for women is between 96 and 99 degrees; its your body temperature right when you wake up in the morning before you do anything). Feb 28, 2023 at 8:09 AM. my lower back hurts all the time, and im cramping but not all the time. and today i cant really lay on my stomach it hurts, been urinating a lot, still nauseated and Really freaked out,, would love some feed back thanx. I have been feeling very dizzy and the right muscle in my back is all swollen. Not sure if it has any signifigance. This is your body's normal response to its new state of transition. How Does Your Lower Stomach Feel In Early Pregnancy bright red . I still get headaches and pee a lot.. i think.. Go easy on yourself. Hi I'm 15 years old and my boyfriend is 17. we had unprotected sex saturday and sunday on april 20 and he came in me. @BKLYN21 Thank you so much.. To the touch, a person's stomach and abdomen will not show any noticeable signs of pregnancy until later on, depending on your specific body type. In addition, hormonal changes are slowing your digestion, leading to increased gas and constipation. The last time I had sex was about 4 weeks ago. then on the 8th and 9th we again had lots of sex, and he finished several time. Usually, the symptoms taper off after the first trimester.4. My doc gave me primolute - n for getting my period from 7th may - 9th may. Find your pubicbone. It was No to morning sickness tea. please help me im REALLY WORRIED ;(. You'll . My lmp was Sept 22 and its now Oct 19, my period is suppose to start in 2 days but for the past week i've been nauseous I even vomited a few times and I'm extremely tired and exhausted all the time for no apparent reasons. The things I am experiencing are new for me. I am afraid that I am going to have to go to a doc to get pregnant Pay all sorts of money.. That i don't have.. My back hurts. Today a one point I discharged a Lot it was whitish clear and I've not discharged in a while. In addition to the hormonal changes described above, this combination makes you need to use the bathroom a lot! In early pregnancy, a bigger belly or feeling of tightness is probably due to digestive changes. Should I take a test?? The third shows 14 signs of pregnancy you might experience within the first three weeks after conception to get a better look at some other symptom possibilities. Many women suffer minor to severe headaches as a result of the rapid hormone changes. Of course, I have taken several test out of hope for a positive over the time. In this video, people are asked to describe pregnancy myths and wives' tales they know. I am going to try to hold off until I am at least a week late to test. A missed period is the most common first symptom of pregnancy. I took another test bout a week later when i noticed that my nipples have been hurting a lot it seems they are hard A lot and the left one feels like a nipple clamp has been put on it.. Ive been tired but i just figured that was cause i just moved and started a new job.. Im really nervous..its oct now and still no period. I have had sex everyday since after my period my last family planning was the 18 August I'm trying to have a baby, I'm experiencing headaches some lower tummy pains and I have experience some nausea My period is due soon should I wait a couple more days to take a test? I would recommend this is good article as well. An aching back is relatively common during pregnancy. Drinking lots of water, exercising, and making sure you're eating enough fiber are all good ideas for health in general, but especially while you're pregnant. :), @sxycosmo1: Maybe your just stress about losing your job.. I have taken three pregnancy tests and all said negative even though I took one three days ago. Everyone will just annoy me! like every hour, and i do not have a uti, or anything else. In general, the sorts of pain youll feel in your belly or lower abdomen in early gestation are connected to: Nausea sometimes happens between 2 and eight weeks when conception. 1 Month Pregnant: Belly Pains, Stomach Size, Symptoms, More - Healthline Many women experience dizziness during their pregnancy. So in the sense of feeling nauseous, yes, your stomach can hurt. Now Today she woke up randomly sick puking, cramps, headaches, and stomach pain. I just don't know what to do.. Im going crazy.. :S To me.. How does your stomach feel at 4 weeks pregnant? Bloated stomach. The constant need to pee can start as early as two to three weeks after conception, but it's more common to see it after the sixth week of pregnancy.4. In fact, in one study, 29% of women reported that missing their period was their first clue that they were pregnant.2. I got fired from my job and lost my insurance so i couldn't afford the rx.. so i stopped taking it. This is usually termed implantation bleeding.4 It is a symptom that is frustratingly similar to getting your period. If you test negative, but your period still doesnt come after a few days, take one again just to double-check. Ugh I'm sooo confused!!! I am afraid to go to the doctor because I would feel silly if he told me I am not because I have thought I was pregnant before and had a negative blood test. Some may note symptoms like sore breasts, fatigue, or frequent urination. (: Thanks !! I was on the depo shot for about four shots and you get one shot every 3 months. I hope to find out sometime soon if I am!! 2. During early pregnancy, many women experience a wide range of stomach-related symptoms. How can I be certain I'm pregnant? I also put on a panty liner on my underwear just in cause I missed anything and I also line that with hydrogen peroxide and alcohol. Hello there. The first trimester can be full of many unpleasant digestive-system-related issues, like tons of gas, bloating, and yes, constipation. Cramping is common in both PMS and early pregnancy. Tender or swollen breasts. The most important thing you can do if you feel you may be pregnant is take a pregnancy test. Data based on a poll conducted by the American Pregnancy Association, "First Signs of Pregnancy." Youll probably want to invest in some different kinds of bras, which could be larger, made out of cotton, and underwire-free. On average, implantation is nine days after ovulation and fertilization, with a range between six and twelve days. You can even buy them on Amazon. My boyfriend and i have been talking about having kids and until i met him i never would have thought about kids. Someone please help me thank you so much. Of course, there are a lot of reasons you may feel bloated, and this is one of those symptoms that you are likely to notice in conjunction with another sign. could i be pregnant ?? An I feel as if my belly is a little bloated. If you were feeling symptoms of starting your cycle, which I understand can be confused with early pregnancy symptoms that soon after then I would guess that the MAP could have thrown your cycle off a bit, but your body is either getting ready for your cycle or is going through the process of the MAP being in your system. Please, if anyone could let me know what's going on, my boyfriend and i would greatly appreciate it. I did not pull out when I ejaculated. Increased smell and taste sensitivity can start three or four weeks after conception. I done a test and it said negative but my friend said I tested well to early. i got pregnant in sep. 2010. i had my daughter june 2011. she is only 5 months old and there is a possibility that i am pregnant again. Could I be pregnant? If you find yourself getting dizzy, you should lie down right away, on your left side if you can. me and my boyfriend are curious! I am confused. Cold treats like popsicles and watermelon also help. If the corner hot dog you used to love now turns your stomach, take a trip to the drugstore for a pregnancy test. Generally, a pregnant belly may start to feel tight and firm early on, as the uterus grows and expands to accommodate a growing baby. Hormonal changes cause your digestive system to slow down, which can result in both constipation and bloating.4. im 19 years old . I clean my vaganial area And vagina with soap and water, hydrogen peroxide and alcohol. M. Mindfulmomma888. A Step-by-Step Guide to Feel Your Uterus in Early Pregnancy - LoveToKnow I also yell at people for no reason. Many women will recall in hindsight that they indeed had sore breasts shortly after conception though they didn't take note of it at the time. If you'd like to feel your uterus, follow these steps: Make sure your bladder is empty. The other day I was having cramps they hurt so bad I've never had them hurt so bad. Early pregnancy (first trimester) abdominal symptoms include nausea/morning sickness, cramping, constipation, heartburn, bloating, and gas. Like you have PMS (sore breasts, cramping, bloating, mood swings). can anyone please answer why im having these issues? If you find that you seem to need to run to the bathroom more frequently than usual, it could be a sign that you are pregnant. Could i be in the early stages of pregnancy ??? The pregnancy hormone progesterone can cause your tummy to feel full, rounded and bloated so if you're feeling swollen in that area you could be pregnant! i was on birth control but it gave me problems so i quit taking it. Thanx ^^, im on the pill, and i came off my period about a week ago, me and my boyfriend had sex three times both saturday & sunday last weekend, i took my pill but now i keep feeling really sick i don't know if im pregnant or what?:(. am I pregnant? Good luck to everyone that is TTC. You can even find them sometimes at the dollar stores! Hi my name is micah me and my GF had sex two weeks ago and she is feeling all these symptoms but here's the thing..she is on this birth control that make it to where she doesn't have periods..but she feels like she is going to start and i finished inside of her and we didn't use protection what to do ? How does your tummy feel at 3 weeks pregnant? Increased urination. All I' ve notice is that I'm hungry more then often. hCG, the hormone that produces the estrogen and progesterone your body needs to sustain your pregnancy, also increases blood flow to the pelvic area. Morning sickness (nausea and vomiting) is a common symptom during the first trimester. Nevertheless, if you experience any of these symptoms, or are otherwise concerned, contact your OB-GYN immediately. I have a really bad headache and I have to pee again.. TTYL Good Luck all of you.. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. I have an appointment tomorrow at our local pregnancy crisis center. ive looked for another method but weve just been using condoms sometimes. Drop 3-4 days most times. My boyfriend and i have been having unprotected sex for almost 6 months. Hot or cold compresses could also help, as well as other stress-reduction techniques like acupuncture, massage, or hypnosis. I was on top of him fullled clothed when he ejoclate. But i don't feel it all the time..sometimes it feels kinda fluttery.. IDK.. It started as spotting then on the 30-31 was heavy then was spotting again (no panty liner was needed) and that spotting lasted a day or so and now it has been approximately 5 days since the spotting has stopped and I have been feeling nauseous, dull cramps in abdomen and lower back.. You can also take acetaminophen (Tylenol or generic) to help with the pain. Most women don't track their basal body temperature unless they are trying to conceive (TTC). If your pain is ever severe, you should see a doctor immediately. :) Good luck hun :). Thank you. For some, it might only last a week, and for others, it might last the whole first trimester. Your body is being flooded with hormones that can make you feel unusually emotional or weepy. It's only been one night since our last intercourse but I'm afraid I might be pregnate. i have been very worriedim 14 and i was with my bf one day we started snoging and stuff than he undressed hisself and I didn't want to so I was still wearing jeans a tshirt and nickers so we were basiclly messing around when my bf went home i noticed sperm on my jeans then i took them off and there was a little bit of sperm on my nickers but nowhere near my vagina.. and now 1 week later i notice that I feel kind of sick when I eat I have tummy aches and headaches.. so can anyone help me can sperm travel trough clothes and can I be pregnant if I had sperm nowhere near my vagina? and now . ok well me and my husband r trying to have a kid but doctors tested me i used a home test and they all came back negative but last month my period was 3 days late and then this month I don't have one.And i have been feeling sick lately and tired and hungry a lot and my head and back hurts a lot and im very emostional.Could I Be Prego? Chances are youll experience some changes in this area, though they vary significantly from woman to woman. My moods shift a lot lately. Keep some snacks on hand to ward off any hunger-related headaches. 2014, Headaches, Increased Urination, and Cramps, 2 weeks after conception (or whenever you were supposed to get your period). i had not been takin them for a while when on sept 4th and 5th me and my bf had unprotected sex both times . When you know what makes you hurl, you can try to avoid it. Which part cramps when pregnancy? Explained by Sharing Culture It wasn't the first time I did it but for some reason my cherry broke tht nite.. im nauseated but not vomiting && constipated . If your body temperature stays elevated about a half-degree or so for two weeks after the increase that indicates ovulation, then you could be pregnant.6. It sounds like your pregnant!! Okay so I'm 15 and my boyfriends is 16. Increased blood flow to your breasts makes your boobs swollen and painful to touch. Could she be pregnant? I don't know if I should take a pregnancy test yet or wait to see if I get my period I'm only 16 and I'm still in highschool. Okay, so I am on the patch and have been for over a year. Its hard work! I would suggest that you go to the doctor.. Or a clinic to find out for sure.. i should go too but Im scared. It will slow down and become less towards the third trimester and will vanish with childbirth. I don't know what to think, maybe my period just late and this karma telling me to use protection or I may just be expecting. After the release of the egg during ovulation, BBT increases by about half a degree in almost all women. i haven't had any symptoms of pregnancy, but i've had this freakish thing happen, when im smoking a cigarette it started to hurt my stomach and i started throwing up.. and evetytime me and my boyfriend have sex after we are done my stomach hurts so bad, it makes me cry. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Early signs and symptoms include implantation bleeding or cramps, which can occur 5-6 days after the sperm fertilizes the egg. Can someone please help me im confused weather I'm pregnant or not my last period was on dec 7 and I had unprotected sex on dec 24 and on December 31 I got brownies and light pink discharge for 3 days then stop on day 4! I need an answer asap, when should I take an at home test? I just had my period a week ago but it was lighter than normal, but about normal length, maybe ending a day or so earlier than normal, but the patch has changed my cycle. And just today, my boyfriend and i walked passed a funnel cake stand nd i absolutly LOVE funnel cakes but for sum reason, the smell of them was repulsive. Some women may experience only a few of these symptoms, while others may experience them all. What do you think? Only one hurts. To the touch, a person's stomach and abdomen will not show any noticeable signs of pregnancy until later on, depending on your specific body type. and when dining times come around what i c there is i don't like it, with out tasting it, my tummy just feels full. We had sex using that method the day I finished my period. I also didn't mention backache the other day. I DIDN'T GET MY PERIOD FOR THREE MONTHS. Here we are today I have noticed blue veins on my breast, my breasts fill fuller and bigger, my husband said my mood has changed, i have had a few hot flashes, I have been hungry, I felt really sick to my stomach earlier about 1:00 and felt like i was going to throw up but wouldn't come out, woke up this morning with a headache.
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