Liberty "Libby" German and Abigail "Abby" Williams. As you can see, the numbers are the same. We have no idea why the order was issued. I saw this being explained in some YT comments to a bunch of brainlets. Days later the State of Indiana issues him a lifetime concealed carry permit signed by Superintendent Doug Carter. I dont know if he actually used the binoculars to spot them. He could have gone home, but for some reason he stayed with his truck. Pretty soon these fucking machines that are dumber than rocks are going to be making all sorts of unappealable decisions about our lives because the capitalists are too greedy to hire a real human to do the job, so they buy a machine instead. You came over here after sitting over of that hate Reddit, LibbyandAbby where youve been hating on me. Pay minimum of $20 for lifetime membership to our group. However, the other three have only peripheral involvement and may have committed no crime! Our error rate at the moment is probably under 50% and quite possibly lower, even much lower. This implies that the girls were returned to the scene later. In addition, note that he abducted two girls on the 13th, 2-13. I DO think that if there is evidence of staging that insinuates a methodology , therefore suggests it could be a serial killer. Logistical occupations, Construction workers etc who travel have free reign. However, these are all unconfirmed rumors. Both of these people were probably ragers before, so its not like they did a U-turn. Delphi Murders Transcripts: Suspect Said He Knew Libby German Was at "I didn't waaaaaant to, but I didn't want to be called a liiiiiiiiar". 43 seconds of audio. The suspect in a still from the video taken on Libby German's phone. I just got banned from Twitter again for no real good reason, so Im not feeling that great. The rarity of "unusual" [corrected] dispositions of victim bodies Not everyone was tied lipped, there were some rumors and messages on sm. A sheet with a smiley face on it at the crime scene, possibly hung from a tree. The Delphi hiking murders - Abigail Williams and Liberty German Similar murder conditions. The shot showed Allen smiling with his wife, while in the background over his shoulder - mere feet away - a police sketch of of the Delphi murder suspect could be seen posted by a notice board on the wall. In fact just based on what I have going on, researching this case is the absolute last thing I should be doing, but its drawing me in, and I cant help it. But alas, he raped one lass too many, and the law closed in on him holed up in his home, which now resembled Dodge City. Williams was a little quieter but open with her friends and hoping to go into . Im leaving it at that. I dont know if its in a garage, or the shed, perhaps? Hes bored and has nothing to do, so we recruited him to sleuth for us. Particularly this statement. LE doesnt like being lied to, especially when they are investigating a double homicide. Then email me and and I will give you the link and password and I will also let you into the new forum where you can set up your own name and password. It doesnt seem reasonable to stay out there all that time for no good reason. The investigators do believe that the suspect either lives or works in Delphi, Ind. He wasnt searching for his keys early on. We believe that the running away and months of therapy were also staged. In other words, they were faked. Stupid, stupid, stupid. He is wearing a deer kit, which contains five different types of knives. Miller lived two hours from Delphi at the time of his arrest. The act of leaving a victim's body in an unusual position is a conscious criminal action by an offender to thwart an investigation, shock the finder and investigators of the crime scene, or give perverted pleasure to the killer. Press J to jump to the feed. They are looking for exactly 43 seconds of audio that BG recorded. One person wins and everyone else loses. Delphi Murders - Bodys Posed - LifeUnited Is he into numerology? Following the identification of a suspect in the Delphi murder, extensive discussion about the case and purportedly leaked texts from that terrible night erupted online. I like some of these guys. Where his truck was parked was a five minute walk to the crime scene. Enough is enough. I almost feel as though LE doesnt want to solve this crime, and that scares me. How many times has he been cleared? The girls hand was wrapped around the knife to make it appear that she was stabbing herself. Yes, the police have told us that they now think that Bridge Guy or Mr. X did Evansdale too. These crimes are often a great big game to these guys, and they often try to insert clever little coincidences into their crimes, probably just to freak people out and make themselves seem diabolically clever, evil geniuses. And at the end, Carter says, He may even be in this room right now, (he was in fact) and then looks in the complete opposite direction of Mr. X. Granted, we dont have any evidence that this is true other than Leigh Kerrs statements. Employment history: Unknown prior to 2011. ABC News Evidence in the Delphi, Indiana, double murder case was unsealed by a county court on Tuesday, revealing key new details, including that suspect Richard Allen's gun was linked to the crime scene. Incidentally, we now have a retired homicide detective working as part of our team. In fact, the rumor is that LE simply does not have enough evidence against Mr. X to take the case to court. Relationship with younger daughter: Excellent, she is very fond of him. What are the odds that both parties made up these specific lies on their own? Flowers sit by a bridge near Delphi, Ind. Its as if she took the grief of a whole town under her breast and pledged to suffer for them all, Jesus-like. The rest are guardians. We have 250 members in our group. Haunting new details in Delphi murders including bullet 'tying Richard Of course we don't know how the bodies were found and if they were posed or staged, we only know that the crime scene was unbelievable disturbing and horrible. Homeless for a period in the 2000s, where he resided at a homeless shelter. That can only mean one thing. If LE actually believes that BG was 50 years old, why did they put out this statement that he looks like this ridiculous sketch of a very young man or even an 18-40 year old man? LE still has access to the conviction. We dont just look at the Delphi case here. In general, the less said about the other aspects of his life the better, and they have no relationship to this case anyway. Could be to cover their own asses. Henceforth, he will be known as LE Source A. Dad is BG and KAK is waiting under the bridge. The man has never been identified. I love you and the information youre releasing! Because of the nature of the victims wounds, it is nearly certain the perpetrator of the crime would have gotten blood on his person/clothing.. Theres just journalists. I seem like the nicest guy youve met. These are the facts about the man LE suspects is BG. "When asked about the unspent bullet, [Allen] did not have an explanation of why the bullet was found between" the girls' bodies, the probable cause affidavit said. But he is also said to have shared his Anthony_shots password with others - including his father - and said his dad could be a prime suspect in the killings. Hes a greedy businessman with dollar signs in fluttering eyes that sound like clanging cash registers every time he blinks. Via LE Source A, LE has a main suspect in the Delphi Murders, Mr. X, and the case is focused on him. This girl was refusing to get an abortion that he wanted her to get. There's a lot going on here for me to try to figure out. Horrible. Friends with Ron Logan on whose property the crime occurred. Give it a rest, everyone. John Miller, 63, was arrested in 2018 for the 1988 cold-case rape and murder of 8-year-old April Tinsley. While it's unclear if police did go to gun stores, Garrett think it's unlikely because there was no mention of a gun in the case until the probable cause document was released Tuesday. What do you all think?" Obviously, quickly taken down, etc etc. Id rather not look into the NHI* (no humans involved) cases in the ghetto where one group of scumbags shoots up some other group of scumbags. These are mostly hate sites. You can tell by many things gait, body shape, manner of walking, voice, etc. July 22, 2017 truthtellersweb. Police found the girls' lifeless bodies a short distance from the bridge the following day, near a trail close to the bridge. If they tried to take it to court, I am almost certain that the judge would throw it out before it even got to the trial stage. Everything We Know About The Unsolved Delphi Murders. which has been viewed more than 18,000 times. Dolls were hanging from trees at the crime scene. You might consider joining us in our private group. Employed at two factories in nearby towns as a machine operator in recent years. The male model whose photos were used has been identified and is not a person of interest in the case, investigators said. They seriously posted photos just so they could retain cool points. Unlike any other sleuthers, we have determined the main suspects in the case, have a good idea of what happened during the crime and what the crime scene looked like, and have recently figured out the motive. Another document we have is another search warrant, this time for the Maxwell property. Also his personality is nothing like Scott Alexander, some sock who is claiming to be LK on Facebook groups. Via LE Source A, Mr. X s roommate in 2011-2012 in Delphi told LE that BG was absolutely Mr. X. A brief clip of the man walking towards the girls on the Monon High Bridge Trail was released too. That is all it can possibly be. Join Nancy Grace for her new online video series designed to help you protect what you love most your children. No one knows if Mr. X is guilty or not. The affidavit states that Indiana State Police and the FBI carried out a search warrant on 25 February 2017 - less than two weeks after Abby and Libby were murdered at Mr Klines home in Peru after tracking down the user of the anthony_shots profile to the property. We regard Leaker as credible, but we now demand sources beyond his level to be considered probative. I want to be respectful to someone who is innocent until proven guilty also. People may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. This is a rumor that a woman walking her dogs on the bridge at 12:30 PM on the day of the murders, a full hour before BG probably appeared on the trails at 1:30 PM, saw a man who looked like the Young BG sketch. The FBI can also be used to determine whether there was a danger to the community and the impact of it on the community. My money is on an edged weapon. He raped women, not young teenage girls. The two men may have been working at the Tyson plant in Logansport, Indiana and may have been shipped to the sister Tyson plant in Waterloo, Iowa, where they were put up temporarily in motels for months at a time. That makes no sense anyways, kill 2 little girls because of a "grudge",theoretically speaking. Im also sure that its used as a tactic to convince the public that they were completely justified in making whatever decisions they felt required justification. So, to end my novel, I agree with you. A double asterisk means the information is proven by case documents in our possession. The pre-trial hearing in this case is to be held in January. There is no doubt in my mind or anyone who is in possession of an IQ higher than double digit range that Ron Logan is not the killer. The dots connecting back to Iowa with the Tyson plant etc is great investigative work. This sub is for discussion of the case that's come to be known as the Delphi Murders. He passed away in 2020. Then there is always the question of his occupation. Knives were also found at Allen's home, according to the affidavit. There's verbiage that suggests 1) Source has vendettas against specific individuals and groups; 2) Repeated disclaimers (thou doth protest too much). I could be completely off base and change my mind tomorrow. But its definitely him! Allen's wife confirmed to police that he owns a blue Carhartt jacket, the document said. Of course she did. Girls in the pedohebephilic age range (8-14 years old) were brazenly abducted two at once from trails in busy parks in rural Midwestern towns in the middle of daytime with many people around. The killings were later nicknamed the Snapchat Murders after Abby took a photo of Libby at around 2:17 p.m. and put it on social media. So the stellar members of LE have RL arrested and sent to jail all the while knowing he couldnt have committed this crime but doing NOTHING to stop the entire community from believing, first, that RL was a main suspect in the case,, and second, believing that he was in jail because he was a suspect! Not sure why that is. He posted a photo on Facebook around three weeks to a month after the murders. Weve been proven correct on eight different things that only the police could have known. I wont reveal who I am talking about here though it should be obvious. The autopsy of the other would know if she was a virgin and even if the killer violated her with whatever she would have bled a little so that could have been detected also. Some claims are listed as unverified. I have an official case document here in my hand. Possibly works with kids. Unverified and Probably Not True. A girls hand wrapped around a knife which was plunged into a log that she was resting her head on. Same with Evansdale probably too. The "Nearly Decapitated" rumors : r/DelphiMurders. I dont see a motive for Mr. X either, and he did live right there. You Go Girl! Richard 'Ricky' Allen, Delphi Murders Suspect: 5 Fast Facts | A heavily-built man in jeans and a blue jacket could be seen approaching the girls, and in a brief snippet of audio that was released the man could be heard saying 'Down the hill' to the girls. Shock value towards anyone who finds the bodies and perverted pleasure seem like they can be intertwined. Its certainly possible that she may well have not recognized Mr. X, even though he was apparently a neighbor. But no arrests have ever been made with several promising leads or theories arising over the years, only to go cold. I do not feel comfortable using his initials or certainly his name. He even brought his phone in and took it apart to reveal the GPS device in it so they could look at it. Considering I often cannot view website news articles because of data protection laws? Mike Patty: Just stop, ok? We know he had binoculars with him and he told the girls that he was a railroad policeman who had spotted them with binoculars. Didnt he at the time live down the street from Logan? In the documents we have, it is openly stated that BG abducted the girls at precisely 2:13 PM. It doesnt seem like a normal person would stay at that location for all that time. Theyre swarming all over this crime scene, and the killer is standing right here under their noses in the midst of the chaos for hours, and these coptards cant figure this out. We think he likes to fool and troll LE. Im not familiar with Indiana; Ive never been there. Sex workers talk, rumours saved a lot of workers in Vancouver during Picktons reign of terror. Distance of residence from crime scene at the time of the crime: Less than 2 miles to the east along the creek. Hes laughing b/c theyve been focused upon a completely wrong direction. I also thought about whether the finders might have covered a body somewhat, but assume that they would have reported that anyway. However, it is still not clear that Mr. X did this on his own or if someone helped him. The one thing I cannot do is help him get away with his crimes, that is, be an accessory. Ok he has committed some sort of sex crimes or other or weird crimes like peeping and whatnot. It is an open case so anything else you want to know look and maybe you will find. They said, Hes just a decoy. But we dont know what that means. The "Nearly Decapitated" rumors : r/DelphiMurders - reddit LE thinks he stashed his phone at the CPS building during the murders. Start your Independent Premium subscription today. This GPS device showed that his phone had been at the CPS building from 12-5 on the day of the murders. In an interview with in 2021, Chadwell's brother characterized him as being 'pure evil,' and more than capable of the Delphi murders. Delphi Murders Update May 29, 2021: Police Now Suspect That BG Also Unverified. Stabbing of one girl in the neck artery at some point after the above events. It was posted to Facebook by Allen's wife Kathy, 50, in 2018 - just over a year after the girls disappeared in February 2017, although it's unclear when the photo was taken. Reminiscent of a small hatchet, not a typical knife. The catfishing situation is not what we think. I must have the wrong name for your POI? Faked to make it look like he could not possibly have committed the crime because he was more devastated than anyone else. I read through it early on, saw interesting stuff and then later came back and tried to find the interesting stuff but got lost. Because of the number of people saying this rumor is true, it goes into the likely category. A probable cause. Allen, a 50-year-old Delphi man, was arrested last month. Another user is talking about them also. The motive is apparently lust murder motivated by sexual sadism combined with psychopathy, the classic formulation almost all serial killers have. 242? River searched near home of man police say posed . Furthermore, homicide is the most serious thing you can charge anyone with. He states when he got home that night (13th) one of his neighbors had came over to ask if he could search his property, looking for the girls. The girls would have also been subject to hypothermia?? Lists a factory as place of residence. Keep in mind that we are not claiming that anything listed below as Unverified is true, although some it has a good chance of being true. Thanks. Probably at least 6 weeks pregnant if the rumors are true. No. They even try to cure effeminate gay men and let them back in the churches as long as they say theyre cured of homosexuality. No one has to believe me when I say LE has a main suspect, but there are number of suspects that ought to be put to rest. David shot that down, and he then explained how what he saw differed from these images. Mr. Lindsay, I am running into one issue with Mr. X. I was wondering if there might be a different thought on this. There may never be an arrest in this case. Heavily redacted court documents say that state police and the FBI encountered Kline in 2017 while conducting a search warrant in Peru, Indiana. No, at least not in this case. Would you please email me? So I would definitely hang the jury and let Mr. X walk, and in all probability, BG would be free to walk the streets again. Hes connected to a local sex offender in the area (a friend, or family membercousin?). Im a retired homicide detective I know what Im talking about. He has reportedly filed a plea of not guilty and is being held without bond. They have their own sources. That could be why they referred to BG as a creepy guy and still following us. Otherwise, and putting myself in their situation, if I saw someone at a distance on the bridge, I would have thought it was just another hiker and would not have been concerned that he was still following me. Investigators have been mostly mum on many case details but a redacted warrant provides a glimpse into information surrounding the murder scene, suspect, and victims. If its who I think it is, you can tell her I said that. This what first aroused LE suspicions of Mr. X. Your email address will not be published. Carroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenby said the information in the probable cause affidavit is "self-explanatory" and declined to comment further. Apparently there is a human need to wonder, guess, and posit.
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