U.S. to Question India About Ban on Christian Charity The people who have come into institutions are primarily termites. 2002 159,000 2006 6,400 Bauer served as President of the Family Research Council from 1988-1999. 2008 33,000 2007 35,000 There were 248 who came, 50 members of parliament, and they invited me and the College of Prayer to come back twice a year for the next three years and mentor them.. One of the primary roles of future government leaders will be to instruct in righteousness. 2013 0, Child Evangelism Fellowship (EIN 95-1502345), The Child Evangelism Fellowship has established its Good News Clubs, that target young school children for evangelizing, in thousands of public schools across America. 2001 35,000 2009 77,000 2007 7,960 All Rights Reserved. Eldredge also stressed that the religious rights national anti-gay rights effort must be perceived as a genuine grass roots uprising. Many CMA churches are now fully New Apostolic, in their beliefs and practices. [26] Compassion provided services under its Child Sponsor Program to 145,000 Indian children. But in all cases, we provide love, education, 2005 4,600,955 2006 155,000 One of the leading anti-gay agitators in Uganda, Martin Ssempa graduated from Philadelphia Biblical University in 1994. In a 2006 at The Gathering, during an Alliance Defense Fund three and a half-hour special briefing titled How people of faith are being silenced here in America, Family Research Council President Perkins stated, I think were at great threat, externally, from radical Islamists who want to destroy us and our way of life The second greatest threat I think this nation faces is internally, and its from the radical homosexuals that want to destroy the underpinnings of our nation the homosexual, the radical homosexual, wants to destroy our way of life, Among the FRCs high-profile events was the 2009 prayercast against health care reform (see:http://www.frcaction.org/pressrelease/frc-action-to-host-live-prayercast-tonight-on-health-care-reform-) which included TheCall head Lou Engle and Bishop Harry Jackson, one of the most aggressive among African-American pastors working against LGBT rights. We are with you. and according to New Vision Mitala said homosexuality was one way of making the world extinct.. Portland Fellowship (EIN 93-0958183) 2010 656,976 Ahmanson was a key financial supporter, up to 1995, of the Christian Reconstructionist Chalcedon Foundation and up to 1995 served on the Chalcedon board of directors. Rushdoony, introducing Whitehead at a Reconstructionist conference, called him a man chosen by God. Rushdoony then spoke of our plans, through Rutherford, to fight the battle against statism and the freedom of Christs Kingdom. The Rutherford Institute was founded as a legal project of R. J. Rushdoonys Chalcedon Foundation, with Rushdoony and fellow Chalcedon director Howard Ahmanson on its original board of directors. 2007 10,000 Marriage and Family Foundation 2011 5,000 No to sodomy! One close colleague of David Noebel has been Christian Reconstructionist Peter Hammond who might be characterized as South Africas Scott Lively. As described in the World Evangelical Alliance book Doing Member Care Well: Perspectives and practices From Around the World (page 153, edited by Kelly ODonnell, 2002, World Evangelical Alliance Missions Commission), AIM has focused especially on building missions infrastructure, including a partnership with the Wycliffe Bible Translators/SIL (also heavily funded by the National Christian Foundation): Africa Inland Mission has historically had a vision to provide services for the broader missions community of like- minded mission agencies in East Africa. Until his death, the Conservative Caucus was headed by Howard Phillips, founder of the Christian Reconstructionism-linked Constitution Party (originally the U.S. Taxpayers Party). In 2008, at a California rally against same sex marriage, Pacific Justice Institute head Brad Dacus compared stopping same-sex marriage to stopping Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler (see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6ddOODw9Rg). 2007 2,734,300 How does Compassion work? 2008 2,000 2006 65,050 LGBTQI+ people are often not represented in political parties or among elected officials. Writes Hammond, The Summit students and staff became the largest supporters of Frontline Fellowship, and the main sponsors of Bibles and film evangelism equipment for Sudan. But another speaker at the conference was even more significant, for having helped create the broader anti-LGBT rights strategy in which Lively has played an aggressive role. The work of Christian relief and development, therefore, must involve spiritual 2012 230,615, Officers Christian Fellowship (EIN 38-1415401), ( see: http://www.ocfusa.org/static/uploads/bible-studies/genesis19.pdf ), 2001 3,000 In 2011, the IFPC, known for hosting Republican candidate debates, released a pledge on family values, The Marriage Vow A Declaration of Dependence upon Marriage and Family, which included support for the anti-same sex marriage Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), that was quickly signed by presidential hopefuls Rick Santorum and Michele Bachmann. 4. 2007 4,587,858 2006 2,500 transform my life is one of those mysteries., Child Protection Officer, . 2008 326,185 2012 45,000 2009 55,100 1:27), witchcraft, dissension, and cheating. (see: http://www.thefirstacademy.org/files/Admissions%20Images/StudentApplication.pdf). 2012 1,300. 2011 0 Focus on The Family currently provides three publications concerning the issue of homosexuality. Javascript is required on this website, please Enable Javascript in your browser. 2006 2,435,175 spiritual needs. 2005 1,400 In a dissenting opinion, Justice Souter wrote that this case would stand for the remarkable proposition that any public school opened for civic meetings must be opened for use as a church, synagogue, or mosque.. ), 2001 25,000 2005 0 Mercy Ministries is headed by Nancy Alcorn, who (along with her husband Randy Alcorn) moves in circles of apostles and prophets associated with the NAR movement. Preach boldly about moral issues from the pulpit That support 2007 4,299,990 2008 4,300,491 At a key 1994 conference held at the Glenn Eyrie headquarters of The Navigators (also funded by NCF), Eldredge, then serving as Focus On The Familys Director of Seminars and Research, emphasized the need to wrap an underlying eliminationist agenda in layers of PR: To the extent we can control our public image, we must never appear to be bigoted or mean-spirited. AFMs past support for civil unions may have ultimately led to its downfall, with harsh criticism ( http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/anti-gay-marriage-movement-fractures ) of the ADFs approach coming from the more virulently anti-LGBT groups that have gained prominence within the Christian right even as barriers to same-sex marriage began to fall in one U.S. state after another. The ADF is currently representing a group of plaintiffs challenging a provision of the Affordable Care Act that requires employee health plans from for-profit employers to provide contraceptive coverage. At its height in the 1990s the Promise Keepers, which led the vanguard of the Christian mens movement, was able to pack football stadiums with crowds of 50,000 or more. 2005 109,750 And we need your help. The Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod overwhelmingly passed a resolution reaffirming its traditional, biblical stance on gender identity and sexual orientation, while also calling for churches to "minister compassionately" to people who identify as LGBT. 2009 250 The AoG statement also suggests that AIDS may be a punishment from God and states, Former homosexuals describe a disgusting lifestyle of perversion and sexual obsession., According to the AoG statement One of the myths propounded by pro-homosexual advocates is that homosexual orientation is genetically determined and that people have no choice in the matter. 2003 20,000 2010 3,550 2009 3,000 Prison Fellowship Ministries Camerons discredited research has established many of the tropes used to demonize the LGBT community which are now being deployed in Africa and elsewhere beyond U.S. shores, including claims that homosexuals have vastly reduced life expectancy, and the [debunked] statistical association of same-sex orientation with pedophilia. church. History of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Social Movements This year, for the first time ever, several Compassion alumni returned to write one last letter to their former sponsors in this inspiring video. 2012 5,740 Barfoot was co-rector of a Kansas Episcopal church which broke with the Episcopal Church USA (ECUSA) over the 2003 ordination of openly gay Gene Robinson as ECUSAs bishop for the state of New Hampshire. 2008 2,423 2008 146,300 This substantial increase in NCF funding to Becket presents strong evidence for the central role played by both NCF and the Alliance Defending Freedom (NCFs heaviest funded legal organization, which received $11,341,187 from NCF in 2013) in the Hobby Lobby case and the dozens of similar cases across American that ADF argued and supported in the lead-up to the Hobby Lobby decision including the Conestoga Woods v. Sebelius case that was folded into the Hobby Lobby case. If a community perceives that an outside, national group is behind local activism, the community will rebel against it. Howard Ahmanson is a frequent attendee at The Gathering who has been one of the most significant funders of anti-LGBT rights activism on the evangelical right. 2011 2,000 Palau has spoken at The Fellowship associated events such as The Gathering and was a featured speaker at a 2012 Atlanta, GA event commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the founding of the National Christian Foundation (see: https://vimeo.com/54365578 ). 2012 9,651,178, Josh McDowell Ministries ( CCC ) Reviews by Gary North and others in Rushdoonys movement praised Schlossbergs book for its presentation of Christian Reconstructionist ideas. 2012 177,350 2006 14,000 2011 6,343 Yes. When the Father tells you to do something, Cox says, you dont argue with HimYou dont need to know why. During a 1987 sermon at his church, according to two people who were there, Cox preached that the goal of the charismatics is to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth, adding, The Kingdom of God is not a Democracy. After that sermon, he embraced a member of his flock, Oliver North, Who knows why Thomas attends services at Truro. 2004 5,850 2013 8,200. 2010 81,074 Founded in 1952, Compassion partners with more than 8,000 local. This is where the Church of Satan was founded; where witches and warlocks have legal status; where homosexuals and lesbians heavily influence government; where selfisness rules. So much hinges on what happens with the full agenda of the militant gay movement.. [10][11][12], Children in the child sponsorship program are provided food and clean water, medical care, education, life-skills training, and spiritual guidance through a direct sponsorship. 2012 0 2003 29,300 Ernest LeFever was president Ronald Reagans first choice, in 1981, for the State Department assistant secretary of human rights but was rejected by the US Senate amid controversy over his stance that abuses of human rights by right wing authoritarian regimes should be addressed via quiet diplomacy; by contrast, LeFever held that the United States should directly confront human rights abuses by communist or socialist regimes. 2006 45,000 In her book, Stewart describes attending (see: account. In his 2005 book Battle Cry For A Generation, Teen Mania head Ron Luce (who has personally appeared at The Gathering) noted a decline, among the post-WW2 Baby Boomer generation, in belief in the infallibility of scripture and then cited, on page 4, the alleged consequences. ACLJ has established satellite legal centers active in Europe, Russia, and Africa, which fight against LGBT rights and legal abortion, and the religious rights traditional panoply of culture war issues (see: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/religious-right-freedom-and-liberty-group-aclj-backed-russian-gay-propaganda-and-blasphemy-b ).
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